Винная дисперсия на кухонном столе
7 August
I really can't stop using english. This is the only language I speak, like, all the time. The second day I know Shawn, Ayoub[аюп], Tomohiro, Roberto, Mercy (her name makes you smile, the youngest 35-year woman I've ever seen), Fan (nice name, nice girl) and Sophia. Yep, I wrote their names to remember better.
Today's the day of Shawn. From Canada, speaks with everyone he sees, smiles a lot, 5 times asked my name yesterday. Makes jokes, asks a lot of questions, but almost never remembers the answers, likes me, cause I am the only person, who both understands his humor and quizes him.
It became sort of a game, crossword: when I don't remember or know some english word, I explain the meaning, so, it's like a challenge for him to guess what I mean. And for me a great lexicon expantion. Well, I'm thankfully like this guy, but it seems I impressed him too much today. Think, I really need a switch to someone else.

1. Had to sign up for excursions, to choose, what city we'll prefer to visit. On the paper was writen "Aachen oder/or Düsseldorf". I pointed to "/" and said, that this thing between also means "or". So, it goes "oder or or". Aber "oder oder or" x) Both German student and Shawn understood me without any problems and admited that's cool. Made me feel relaxed and comfortable.
- There are a lot of your people in here.
- Yeah, but none of my country.
- You are unique.
- No, unique is our cafeteria. [the thing is, the cafeteria is really named UNIque, short of "Universität"]
- Sorry, what is your name again?..
- Shawn.
- I know, I just try to be more you.
- Is that tobacco?..
- Yes!..
Shawn: Hey! How are you?
Alex*not very enthusiastic*: I'm fine. And you?
Shawn: I'm too.
Me: Nice talk.
In the Mensa (canteen).
- You are so sociable.
- I came here for that, actually…
- I think, it's time to go. And also I think your plate says you speak too much.
- Hugh Laurie is my favourite! If you knew me better, you would say I have a lot of common with Doctor House!..
- *pat on the back* good luck.

That's it. Something like that.

New words: wag, constrained, post (like stick, but thicker, to put something like signs), selbstbedinung, Pommes, die Steuer = die Regierung, Schorle (O-Saft mit Mineralwasser), das Bargeld(=cash), Friedhof, die Wiese.

P.S. If I will die because of the heat, bury me six cold feet in the ground.
"Игнорировать становится все сложнее.
Ты легко можешь отмахнуться от этой мухи под названием "недочувства", что отлично проделываешь вот уже много лет. Скрупулезно препарируешь свои ощущения по поводу каждого отдельно взятого человека, пытливо снимая тонкие слои иллюзии в попытках отыскать нечто стоящее, настоящее. Или то, притронуться к чему рука не поднимется?.. Нечто живое. Что встрепенется и захочет свободно существовать. А ты будешь просто стоять как вкопанный перед препаровочным столом и бесконечно сдаваться.
Игнорировать становится сложнее."